
A terrible idea, made for terrible people.

// Should throw a ReferenceError

Console Error Log:

Download FunFacts.js

Fun Facts About FunFacts.js:

What does this do?

You include it before any other javascript in your website, and it replaces all your error messages with fun facts.

Where do the fun facts come from? How can I know they're actually facts?

Reddit. We scrape the top twenty when you load the webpage. There's no guarantee, but let's be honest, neither of us really cares.

How should I use this?

In production. #yolo. Just add <script src="funfacts.js"></script> to the top of your html file, before any JS that could throw an error.

Why should I use this?

You probably shouldn't. Unless, you know, maybe you just don't want to suffer the embarassment of a long list of error messages showing up in your JS console.

Why does this website look like it was made in the 1990's?

<marquee> tag is best tag. Oh, and we're also using wow.js because {{reasons}}.

Why would you make this?

To be honest, we're still figuring that out ourselves.
